HxGN TVVideo
Hexagon at SCEWC 2019
Hexagon exhibited at Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 demonstrating how creating safe, sustainable cities takes a Smart Digital Reality.
Hexagon exhibited at Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 demonstrating how creating safe, sustainable cities takes a Smart Digital Reality.
The challenges and opportunities agencies face with the expansion of data volume and diversity.
Data is the backbone of any Smart City, but how can you best leverage it?
You can’t buy a complete “smart city” or flip a switch to turn it on, so cities must focus on Smart Digital Realities that bring the physical and digital worlds together as one.
Hexagon solutions for Smart Buildings & Infrastructure and Smart Cities & Nations support a future…
Hexagon launched cutting-edge new products and applied innovative technology to help its customers, highlighting an exciting second quarter of 2019.