Cities fascinate and inspire me. So, of course, when I travel to an interesting city I usually take a few pictures.
We all have “that photo”. The one where you’re smiling back at the camera, and just behind you is the iconic landmark. Beijing’s Forbidden City. Sydney’s Opera House. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Or maybe it’s Gaudi’s La Sagrada Família Cathedral in Barcelona.
While those snapshots are nice mementos to share with family and friends, they don’t convey much detail about the city itself.
The Complete Picture – A Smart Digital Reality
Imagine for a moment that you could somehow snap a photo of a city that gives you the complete picture of everything. That’s precisely our vision at Hexagon: to provide the complete digital picture of every city.
We are capturing every building and skyscraper, the entire infrastructure that delivers power and water, every park and every tree, every physical object from any angle or any perspective.
As impressive as this may sound, we can now even capture the invisible. With ground-penetrating radar added to our multi-sensor mobile solutions, we can see and monitor what’s happening beneath the streets – with water, power, gas and sewage, as well as underground transportation networks.
Even this level of detail is NOT the complete picture – because a city is anything but static. Live feeds are needed to capture what is constantly changing. But for the picture to be truly complete, these live feeds must be augmented to provide even more context – with data from documents and databases to history and statistics.
Only when whatever it is you want or need to know is right at your fingertips do you have the complete picture – we call this the smart digital reality. It’s the foundation for digital first and the necessity for always safe and absolutely connected… all key ingredients to becoming a smart city.
Shaping Smart Cities. Shaping Smart Change.