This episode of our Solution for Smart Cities series discusses how crowdsourced citizen data is made actionable through mobile intelligence. Smart cities need open engagement and e-participation from their citizens. Citizens can serve as reliable, cost-effective sources of crowdsourced, actionable information. Every person has the ability to quickly report problems to local authorities with a location reference within 5-10 meters by simply using a smartphone. Using cloud and edge technology, Hexagon’s Mobile Alert app gathers and visualises this crowdsourced data, allowing stakeholders to analyse incidents in context via a dashboard for smart, efficient decision-making. In this video, Begoña Verdejo, Senior Pre-Sales Engineer for Hexagon’s Geospatial Division, discusses how governments can improve their services while demonstrating a commitment to citizen participation and engagement.
Speaker(s): Begona Verdejo (Hexagon’s Geospatial division)
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