Learn how reality capture technologies are bringing time-sensitive insights and actionable information to city officials.
Learn how reality capture technologies are bringing time-sensitive insights and actionable information to city officials.
The future of 3D city modeling is here as HxDR makes envisioning the future of towns, cities and communities easier and quicker.
Automobile clubs across Australia recently moved onto a single, integrated, cloud-based platform with dispatch and mobility features. The result is faster response times and safer commutes for drivers.
Natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other major events are on the rise. This means emergency dispatchers and first responders must go above and beyond their regular duties to meet increased demand. In this HxGN TV episode, subject matter experts will discuss the journey of becoming a safer, more resilient agency and city.
What agencies should consider when implementing a records management system, including how to stay NIBRS-compliant.
What does increased mobility mean for officers and their ability to respond to incidents? Hear more about the growth of mobility field solutions for public safety as well as the future of connectivity.