Combing various technologies, C95 Creative, a leading global architecture and design firm, created a smart digital city model of Ayacucho, Peru. The model was used by Patronato Pikimachay, a non-profit organisation, to inform the perception on reality and provide a georeferenced digital base for operations in the city.
BK: Welcome to HxGN Radio. My name is Brian. Today we have William Kim from Leica Geosystems and Maria Pascual from C95 Creative. Thanks for joining us.
MP: Thank you very much.
WK: Thank you, Brian.
BK: Appreciate it. Good to have you here. Combining various technologies, C95 Creative, a leading global architecture and design firm, created a smart digital city model of Ayacucho, Peru. The model was used by a nonprofit organisation to inform the perception on reality and provide a geo-referenced digital base for operations in the city. So, Maria, let’s start with you. Got a question for you, you ready?
MP: Ah, yes.
BK: Alright!
MP: I am Maria Pascual, I am an architect, I’m BIM Director at C95. C95 is a company that operates in Madrid, our main office is in Madrid, our comfort zone is to develop products, architecture, interior design procurement, but always using BIM methodology. And now we combine work using a point cloud. So now we have this project that is out of our comfort zones.
BK: Of course.
MP: Developing all the city of Ayacucho.
BK: Nice! Well, tell us – let’s talk about that, let’s talk about Ayacucho. Tell us about the project.
MP: As you said, one year ago, they became a tail board who was founded. My client is a non-profit organisation with a political arm, and it was founded but fell out of a project promoted by the Ministry of Culture. And they try to develop four pillars for the city, and the nomination of what you and I – as UNESCO already does, bringing craftsmanship together, and generating the Ayacucho brand, and converting Ayacucho in a smart city. So we have to develop the model of all of the city, with the objective to integrate in this model all the information about cadastral, about plans, about all the tourist information that we need to join for several objectives, for different uses of the system of this information.
BK: Okay.
MP: So, in this work area we have to develop 154 blocks around 555 acres of the city, and put all the information that they share with us in this model.
BK: Okay
MP: This is the project in a bit of words.
BK: Sure.
MP: Yeah?
BK: Excellent. So what Geosystems technologies did you use with this?
MP: When the client went to the office, he said that we need to have a precise model of the city, so the initial idea was to work with Pegasus:Two, because we needed to have all the information in a short time with the precision that we’d need in the first part. But we needed to complete them with a drone, and then, because we had a lot of hidden places in this city, complete data with the B40 scanner. So, we joined all the point clouds and we made a big point cloud.
BK: Okay.
MP: This is the work.
BK: Good!
MP: Yeah.
BK: So now why did you select Geosystems technologies?
MP: We selected this way of work because we need the precision of the point cloud, and due to the distension of the city, it was the unique way that we can do it. Imagine if you put a scanner on the top of a car, you can take a lot information in a small time. If you have to update measures with a traditional method, it’s pricey work.
BK: Sure, sure.
MP: So is – it’s the best.
BK: Much more efficient.
MP: Yeah
BK: Yeah, faster for you. Excellent.
MP: Yeah.
BK: Good, good. So you like it, obviously.
MP: Yeah, I love.
BK: Good, good, excellent. Well, thank you for sharing that!
MP: Yeah.
BK: William, are you seeing this combination and integration of technologies on projects becoming more common?
WK: Morning, Brian. And –
BK: Good morning!
WK: – I really appreciate being here today again.
BK: Absolutely.
WK: Well, and to answer your question, absolutely. The need for reliable and accurate data leads to this combination of an integration of products that C95 uses in the Ayacucho project, and cannot be done with a single sensor sometimes.
BK: Mm-hmm.
WK: Maybe due to environment obstacles or even to local regulations. And this combination and integration of technology, it’s a trend that Hexagon has already been promoting via the democratisation of our products, as we can see in Pegasus:Two, like you mentioned, or the BLK360, and in the US, the RTC360 Scanner.
BK: How can companies like C95 Creative integrate various technologies?
WK: Well, it’s important to say that C95 is one of the pioneer companies doing this kind of integration. Companies that understand the limitations of each technology and what they can better accomplish by combining them, just like C95, you take the most advantage of this combination. But this starting point is a common data format between these many technologies.
BK: Okay.
WK: After the digital reality capture with the different products, most of the integration is done using Hexagon data processing workflow –
BK: Good.
WK: – that can handle any data from these multiple systems in this common data format. For example, we have Cyclone, our softeware suite to handle point clouds, and the final result is completely georeferenced data ready to bring into the visualisation system with analysis tools.
BK: Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay what benefits are you seeing?
WK: Well, basically I see the completeness of the products and the professional way of making use of each technology’s strengths. And for an example, with the fast data capture from Pegasus:Two systems, this leads to a faster delivery, which leads to new products for the companies. And like the addition of the high-detailed measurements from the scanners like P50, they have the inside data, and they can make very accurate measurements, and a lot of surface analysis, and finish in like the final frontier, by using our UAVs, U.S. assistance for the drones that everybody else knows. We have the data from the top.
BK: Good.
WK: But also we have the creation of a common source of reliable information.
BK: Mm-hmm.
WK: Also know as smart base. So, the methods can be named as speed, accuracy, and completeness. But if I need to explain in one word, I think the main benefit of combining and integration these technologies is efficiency.
BK: Excellent. Good. Customers are loving that, then.
WK: Yep.
BK: Good. So, for both of you, where do you see this integration of technology is taking industries in the future?
WK: Well, Maria.
MP: Yeah.
WK: I’m a gentleman, so you go first. [Laughs]
MP: Thank you. I think that in the future, all the technology will invite every corner of our day-to-day, personally and professionally. More than it’s doing now, I think that is in every minute of our day. I think that we will be able to accelerate a process that now costs us a lot of time and a lot of money. And we will be able to offer much more precise and better-quality jobs. I have no doubt that the technology will change our day and make things easier for us.
BK: Good, good, good.
WK: Well, answering what I think is a great question, Brian. As I mentioned before, Hexagon is intensely working to democratise its solutions, and the integration has speed up the sea of adoptions of these technologies that today is considered only for specialised people. And I believe, in the future, anyone will really be able to use and manipulate and extract information from the captured data to plan the next business in a very simple way. And that’s what I mentioned in this keynote: everyone will to be able to shape the changing their way. And I think that’s what’s going to be the future within this combination and integration of technologies.
BK: Good. Very exciting, very exciting. Well, thank you, Maria, William.
MP: Thank you.
BK: Thank you very much for being on with us.
WK: Yeah, thank you for hosting us.
MP: Thank you.
BK: Yeah, thank you for sharing the information. You can get more information on these at, and That’s Thanks so much for listening! Go to to listen to more episodes and gain more information on what we’ve talked about today. Have a great day!