Insights about how Hexagon now delivers an indoor laser scanning solution that integrates a wide-range of Hexagon Geospatial and Luciad software, together with the award-winning Leica Pegasus:Backpack, into one comprehensive platform. The episode will also highlight how Tukuh Technologies, LLC, a tribally-owned business that delivers geospatial technology, is the first organization to use the power of Hexagon software for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), indoors and outdoors.
Matt Langan, L&R Communications
Patrick Crawford, Tukuh Technologies
Stuart Woods, Leica Geosystems
Rand Knight, Hexagon Geospatial
Big Data | Geosystems | GSP-Power Portfolio 2018: Producer Suite | GSP-Power Portfolio 2018: Provider Suite | HxGN LIVE 2018 | Leica Pegasus:Backpack | Matt Langan | Patrick Crawford | Point Cloud | Rand Knight | Safety Infrastructure & Geospatial | Shape of Potential | Shape of Progress | Shaping Smart Change | Smart Digital Realities | Stuart Woods | Tukuh Technologies | Visualisation