Information derived from satellite data becomes fuel for vertical applications built with M.App Enterprise, thanks to the API of Rheticus®, a cloud platform for infrastructure monitoring.
Managing high-value and critical infrastructure, reducing costs of asset operations, and ensuring regulatory and safety compliance may require asset-intensive industries to adopt several software solutions for the storage and processing of big data coming from multiple sources within IT and OT systems.
Enhancing these management tools, satellite data, in conjunction with the power of cloud infrastructure, provides an unprecedented opportunity to increase the strength of different applications.
However, to exploit the value of the constantly increasing availability of satellite data collected on a weekly, and even daily basis on Earth, it is necessary to have the automatic selection, processing, and delivery of ready-to-use geo-information services that enable integration of vertical applications for different markets.
Avoiding a number of potential problems, such as the lack of expertise in data management, users prefer to receive the information in the form of maps, reports, alerts and geospatial indices, which are dynamically displayed through an intuitive online dashboard, on mobile applications, or in a machine-to-machine (M2M) way directly in users’ applications.
How do we enable more complete monitoring by integrating geospatial analytics from different access points into GIS and non-GIS legacy software?
We answered this need by implementing a cloud-based service platform called Rheticus. Thanks to Rheticus, we can continuously process satellite data and create geospatial analytics. Users can subscribe to information content accessible through intuitive web interfaces, with dynamic indicators and automatic reports, which provides the actionable knowledge they need. By integrating the content generated by Rheticus with Hexagon Smart M.App technology, we succeeded in creating several Earth monitoring services for vertical markets.
Subscribing to the easy-to-use knowledge provided by Rheticus Network Alert, Rheticus Road & Bridges, Rheticus Railways and Rheticus Infrastructure guarantees access on the cloud to geoanalytics, maps, and reports about millimetre movements that can affect these assets.
Today, the benefits of the geoanalytics provided by the Smart M.App can be exploited not only on the cloud, but also on premise. On premise installations of M.App Enterprise allow users to maintain full control over sensitive data, workflows and customisations that meet the specific needs of large organisations. With M.App Enterprise, I can implement custom workflows for organisations, in support of decision-making processes, thanks to the constant updated information coming from Rheticus through its APIs.
Moreover Rheticus releases geo-content information as APIs. Thus the continuous flow of information can be consumed, through the connection to Rheticus APIs, by third-party software or through the various installations of M.App Enterprise that let our partners distribute and share Rheticus Smart M.Apps to streamline workflows over their networks, or even in the controlled environment of their own customers.
Consider for instance, a service management solution to model and analyse networks of pipes, regulators, valves, pumps, reservoirs, tanks, wells, and boreholes: they can now easily add the predictive indicators available in the Rheticus Network Alert Smart M.App that shows potential risks for leakages by measuring where the ground is giving way around the pipelines. The end user can therefore have a unique GUI into third-party software that directly imports ground displacement data to measure real-time risk and make informed decisions with regards to security and planning.
Within the fourth industrial revolution framework and the explosion in machine learning, I am expecting a massive growth in artificial intelligence services. Software and application developers will be able to exploit geospatial data as well as many other different datasets building apps they could never have imagined. Legacy systems could be updated, linking their applications into the API so they can be integrated with modern applications for updated territorial monitoring needs.
I’m convinced that geospatial real-time streaming data flows are going to play a crucial role in the innovation of technology integrations for the foreseeable future. The fast-growing demand for real-time geo-information is also going to shape new business logic and meshed commercial models related to analytics and business intelligence concerns. As more services are integrated, users will experience more robust and expansive offerings from aggregated interfaces.
Giuseppe Forenza
Business Development Manager
Rheticus® Planetek Italia S.r.l.
Giuseppe holds 10 years of experience in selling SaaS and cloud native services, APIs and big data platforms for Telco & ICT Groups, Telematics and IoT Systems, e-Commerce and Digital Mobile CMS, GIS & Remote Sensing markets. With a cosmopolitan background that’s concentrated on direct sales operations, strategic and operative marketing and business partnerships with Reseller, Distributors and System Integrators – he is a Business Development Manager in Planetek Italia. Giuseppe manages the international direct and indirect sales channels and the global business growth of Rheticus® – Satellite continuous Earth monitoring Aa-a-service.