Mobile Link is an add-on for G/Technology that allows utility providers to capture, edit and update data for multiple assets at one time using a single edit-on-site capability. Utility field workers can inspect and validate assets using Mobile Link on a tablet or computer.
Check out these latest Mobile Link improvements:
Finger Gestures for Zooming and Panning – No longer will users have to use the application ribbon at the top of the screen to zoom in and out or to pan to different locations on the map. With this new enhancement, users can slide and pinch the screen of their Windows device. This gives Mobile Link a more tablet-friendly feel and makes movement within the tablet much easier.
Windows 8 and 10 Compatibility – There are two versions of Mobile Link, depending on the versions of G/Technology and Mobile Viewer you’re using. If your organisation is using G/Technology and Mobile Viewer version 10.2.1, Mobile Link is can run on Windows 8 and 10 operating systems. If your organisation is using G/Technology and Mobile Viewer 10.2 version or lower, Mobile Link will only be compatible with the Windows 7 operating system.
High-Resolution Digital Camera Control – The newest version of Mobile Link utilises a high-resolution tablet camera, including a digital zoom in/out feature, which uses a vendor-specific compression filter. For example, a Panasonic tablet with Mobile Link can use a camera with up to 8 megapixels. The camera interface layout is completely configurable, so users can customise button appearance and size. The tablet also supports camera sound effects so users can hear verification of when a photo has been taken.
Faster GPS Functionality – Because of some tablet and back-end enhancements, the GPS function starts up much faster. Hexagon also now supports NMEA-0183 v4 tags used by most tablets.
Better User Interface and Advanced Validation – The newest version of Mobile link has the functionality to masked text edit control, support and filter pick a list definitions and use a validation interface. The validation interface is an open API for custom validator development.
Workflow Template Enhancements – Mobile Link users can select (tag) features filtered by Boolean expression by using SQL clauses similar to G/Technology filters. For example, users can tag only overhead features rather than underground features. Users also can use the multiple forms definition for a single workflow, which supports form overrides after a feature is tagged. This means users can tag a wood pole with a concrete pole form then change the form to wood pole after the redline tag appears.
Larger Package Upload – Mobile Link supports larger ZIP files, which have been tested with a 1 GB package.
Custom Command for Data Loading – The Mobile Link user interface has been extended with a clear log button. This layout change was made to prevent users from occasionally clicking on the import start command button. Once a successful import and information package has been processed, the extracted content is moved to an archive directory, which is completely configurable.